Tuesday, February 4, 2014

New Screenies for Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution

Namco Bandai has recently posted a new batch of screenshots for the upcoming update to the Ultimate Ninja Storm franchise, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution. Judging by the screenshots, graphics-wise it’s not going to offer much in the way of upgrades compared to Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst, especially since Full Burst didn’t offer any visual upgrades to UNS 3 and UNS2 (save for a few bug fixes and tweaks pertaining to the frame rate.)

However, we all know that people are already satisfied with the graphics engine of the Ultimate Ninja Storm franchise and don’t really mind not having extra bells and whistles. The true selling point of Revolution is gameplay tweaks and additional characters. There’s no concrete details about the gameplay tweaks yet, but info about additional characters have already been provided by Namco Bandai.

First is that Revolution now includes playable versions of the Edo Tensei Kages, all of which were only playable as support characters, and can only be fought in single player during their appearance in Full Burst. Next is that Naruto’s awakening has been updated to the current one from the manga – he can now transform into his tailed beast mode, as opposed to just the nine tails chakra mode. Many people mistake the two as being the same, but the key difference is that the tailed beast mode wears an overcoat as part of his chakra shroud. Naruto’s tailed beast mode actually appeared in Full Burst, but only during his super move cutscene, and during the boss fight against the edo tensei tailed beasts during the end.

As for new character, Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution also contains a bonus character designed by Masashi Kishimoto himself: Mecha Naruto. The character is a robot version of Naruto (he actually looks more like a puppet than a robot), that has the same powers as the original, including the ability to use the nine tails chakra mode and transform into a gigantic kurama robot.

You can view the screenshots below:

Source: Namco Bandai's Facebook Page